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Monday, December 22, 2008

My Response to Statement On Direct Matches about Great Way to Get Leads! Dec.22,08

After you get those leads - they still need to be called or approached in some way.
Many of us are reluctant to make phone calls to strangers and try to bypass"direct" with emails.
Unless you have a very catchy introductory line for quick ad, you are unlikely to get responses.
Once you get that phone number -- hard to do with email lists -- you need to "bite the bullet" and call.
I've found an effective way to approach these calls is to have a set approach and build people's trust first -- through conversation that's centered on them.
Here's where a little $9.97 program with ongoing mentoring comes in. Check out http://www.997makemoneynow.com/pages/602.htm for full details.We also have a Monday night call at 8 pm Central at 712-432-1000 Pin 573799313# where you can participate and ask questions. My name is Georgia. Please tell them I invited you.

Georgia Jenkins 815-616-8177

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