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Monday, February 2, 2009

What is Attraction Marketing?Get An idea Hear :

You hear a lot about this topic lately and everyone's trying to promote it.
Actually, it means you have to develop your inter-personal skills -- and let someone get to know, like and trust You before promoting anything else.
Joining a number of social networking groups such as Facebook and You Tube helps.
Even use of your own videos to let people know you a little better helps.
I now have one posted on You Tube with member name of "purplecowgirl2" and an new custom website utilizing same at http;//georgiajenkins.com
With the help of various programs such as Renegade University (http://gjenkins.renegadeuniversity.com//sieg) and Magnetic
sponsoring or building on a budget that can help you understand this process and
build toward Your Goals.
Georgia Jenkins
P.S. The writer of Renegade book found that many more respond to suggestions when you give them a reason to take action, -- so here's one --Check out Renegade University because it will help you understand what you can do with this concept -- towards actually making money from your business!

1 comment:

super social influencer said...

Very good attraction blog. cheers L.LUKE